Saturday, August 12, 2017

Changes Made All The More Terrifying With IC!

               In this life only a few things are certain and Change is the top of the list. Life never stays on a steady, well-traveled path and is always curving, switching and flipping in every direction. The first time I saw a spaghetti junction was about 15 years ago and I could not help but chuckle to myself. That was how my brain would look if everyone could see it. 
               Now that I am older I have discovered that most people think the same and it is usually because something in their life is changing. Could be something terrible? Could be something amazing? Only the person it is happening to can say for sure, but we all go through it. 
               Since my condition was discovered I also found that anytime changes happen in my life, planned or ones from chaos, I have a few thoughts that run my mind: 
               1) Okay, there's going to be a change in my life. (Recognition)
               2) Is it going to be a good or bad thing? (Conscious Choice)
               3) How will it affect my condition? 

               Every single person on the planet who experiences change goes through the first two. Everyone. The time frame for each person may be different but they go through it. 
               The third option is just for people with a condition, any condition, that affects their everyday life. 
                When change happens people with any condition that affects the way they live, go through a terrifying step that I call the What If stage. We run through how we deal with our condition and think of every possible thing that can go wrong, with this new change, to make our condition a negative again. 
                 If like me you have worked on your condition for years and finally getting it to a point where you have it 90% plus under control to suddenly have to reevaluate it again makes you, a little crazy, a little mad but mostly, for me at least, I get an overwhelming sense of fear. This is usually where the what if part comes into it. 
                  What if this change makes my condition worse?
                  What if this change makes it better, then worse?
                  What if this change affects how I deal with my condition?
                  What if this change makes it so I need to change more things?

                  You get the idea. Automatically we seem to focus on the negative impact any change will have on our lives normally and having a condition like ours that relies on certain things can cause massive waves in the way we think and approach it. 
                    Honestly, with a condition like ours anytime any change that is made will probably have bigger consequences than just the actual change itself. It may very well affect how you take care of the condition and you may have to rethink other things as well. 
                    But change happens to everyone. And I mean EVERYONE! 
                    The only thing we need to worry about is how we deal with it. You know more about your condition than anyone else and you know what you need to do to make it better. Whatever the change that has occurred in your life you will find a way. 
                     You Will Find A Way! 
                     Did you hear me?  You Will Find A Way!
                     Even if it has taken you years to cope with this condition, you have figured out what works and any change that happens, that probably will happen, is simply an adjustment. Like when you have braces and they need to be changed as you move closer to your straight smile goal. At first, it is painful, but after a while, you adjust. You can do it and know you are never alone. We are in the same boat as you. We can do this.
                       And you never know maybe the change will be the best thing that could ever have happened.  :)
