Monday, April 11, 2016

Candy Sweet Holidays: Valentines Day and Easter Sunday

             Valentine's Day - A day when hopeless romantics, like myself, relish in the idea that they will be given a special gift from that someone special.  

              Easter Sunday - A day when we are praising Jesus Christ for rising from the dead, while the little kids are finding chocolate covered bunnies and eggs in an open space.  

            Before my diagnosis both of these holidays were unmissable.  Being a hopeless romantic and getting proposed to on Valentines Day I can not help but love a holiday, all about love.  And of course the mass amounts of cheap chocolate that go on sale the next day.  Easter is the one time of the year, in the USA, when Cadburys mini eggs and Cadburys Creme Eggs are available for purchase.  Each year I would 'stock' up during the month and then bing eat them for the next few weeks.  

            This year things were incredibly different from the chocolate-holic, candy loving, all teeth are sweet teeth type person I once was.  I could not partake of the usual activities and even went as far as not having an Easter egg hunt in our backyard.   But honestly I found something, much more worth while. 
            As cheesy as it sounds, its true.  
            For Valentines day I still made the kids their little baskets of goodies, but I was able to appreciate the holiday in a more romantic way instead of focusing on the things I really wanted yet could not have.  
            For Easter Sunday I watched my children play with and eat their goodies, we went out for a meal as a family to celebrate the day and I was taken back by the happiness I felt just focusing on their joy at the days events.  
            Now do not get me wrong it was rough, on a personal level for me, as I am such a sugar addict.  Easter especially was a severe test of my resolve.  Anyone who knows me, knows how much mini eggs and creme eggs mean to me.  Of all the chocolate I had to give up those are the top of the list.  I was kinda of lucky last year, I did not find out about my condition until after Easter last year so I was still able to partake at that time.  
            I even admit that I came ridiculously close to buying some and eating them in the car on the way home.  (And I mean really really really close).
            But I am proud to say that I am still chocolate free.  (Almost a year now).  Here is how I was able to withstand the onslaught of my favorite chocolate time of year:

  • Focus on what the holiday really means, not how the candy/chocolate fits into it. 
  • Treated myself to things I could have and be thankful I have other options. 
  • Realized that some people have it worse than me, way worse, and that giving up something like chocolate is not a big sacrifice compared to others. 
  • Be proud of myself for making it without as long as I have.  (Many people did not think I would make it a day, let alone almost a year - including myself.)
  • Focused on other people during the holidays.  After all giving is always better than receiving.  
        I still do not claim to be an expert on facing down each demon, we each have.  And I know I am still a long way for being perfect in dealing with my condition, however I can say that though this year of treat filled holidays was rough, I made it through.  
        I made it through. 
        I can not tell you how good that feels to say that.  I survived.  And no matter if you did better or worse than me, we are still here fighting the good fight.  We got this!


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