Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Long Over Due Update!

Says it all I think. 
           Firstly let me apologize for the lack of updates. The only thing I can say in my defense is life sometimes just gets in the way. 
           Since I last updated the blog a few things have happened. In this one I'll just get down to the biggest one. My 2nd year anniversary of being diagnosed. 
           Looking back at the post I made when this all started makes me both sad but also incredibly thankful. Over the last few years I have learned so much about myself, those around me and also the food industry as a whole.  
            I think the biggest thing I have found during this time is my voice. I finally discovered that I can speak up for things that I need and want. Family and friends have described me as many things but outspoken was not usually one of them. I would usually just go with the flow regardless of how I felt about things. 
            Now I would not say that I have grown to disagree with people to just disagree. I am still in the learning process of growing to stand up for myself and make sure my opinion is heard. 
            This has played a huge role in my condition as I need help. Not with everyday tasks or anything quite so dramatic, but when ordering food at a restaurant, of any kind, I have had to learn how to get what I need by speaking up. 
             To most people this would probably be a no brainier, yet for me is has been a huge step. Over everything else I have experienced over these years that would have to be the big one. 
              The smaller things would be things like what food I still love regardless of restrictions, how far I am willing to push myself to get the sugar I want and also I am a complete addict to food, not just sugar. 
             In a nutshell I seem to have adjusted completely and it took about a year and half to do so. So if you are just starting this journey keep going. I promise the time goes faster than you think and you will adjust to your new life faster than you think. 
             You got this. 

             Alison :) 

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