Saturday, October 7, 2017

Vegetables and IC!

     With my new outlook on life fresh on my mind, I had to reevaluate a few things. What I eat is a major one both my health and also my condition. 
     The main problem with our condition is that no two people experience it the exact same way so there is not a list of 100% safe items that will work for everyone. I found the following website:

    This website gives some great insight into what food to try and what may work for people with IC. But as I said no two people are the same. However, I do think that most people are able to eat one thing the same and from what I can gather its potatoes. 
     Now I am a huge fan of potatoes. In fact, I really love them.  In any way, I can get my hands on them whether they are fried, roasted, mashed or of the sweet variety. And as I am trying to eat healthier, potatoes are the last thing on my to eat list. However, I feel this causes a problem for me as I also use potatoes for suffering days. 
     When each person has a flare up, really bad or not, we immediately try to do whatever we can to make the pain go away. Take medicine, drink so much water our stomachs may very well implode and in my case eating lots and lots of potatoes and if I have any left, cucumbers. 
      I am not one to shy away from harsh truths and I admit fully that there have been occasions when my flare up was getting to me and I eat an entire plate full of mash potato for dinner. Every time I felt relief pretty quickly, not to mention it helps settle my stomach after taking my gross tasting medicine. 
       But now I run into this problem of trying to healthier. 
       What can I do to ensure that during a bad flare up I do not resort to eating a plate full of potato?
       Will just eating my cucumbers be enough to help the flare up?
       So needless to say I needed to work on a plan, not only for my fitness and trying to be healthier but also what foods I can turn too if such a situation should arise. 
       Here is the plan: 

  • Ensure extra green vegetables are available on hand just in case. 
  • If potatoes are purchased I will ensure that should such an occasion arise I will prepare only one at a time, to be served with a huge pile of said 'other' vegetables.
  • Avoid all chocolate and candy, even though Halloween is right around the corner. 
  • Focus on what food is good for me and my condition. No more excuses. No more pain. No more exceptions.
  • Increase my exercise, by a million percent, since right now I am very much a homebody hobbit. 
      I understand that my start over is not a switch I just pull or a whiteboard I can scrub clean so this process will probably take time. Working out does not immediately give a six pack and skinny legs. It will take work, dedication, and support. 
       If you do not have the support for yourself, consider me on your team. We can do this. We deserve this. We will become healthier and happier people because of this. 

       Always keep fighting team. 

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