Friday, October 23, 2015

When Life Throws You a Curve Ball!

       Living with a condition like IC feels, in a way, like playing a game of baseball.  (Bare with me as I know very little about the sport as I am from England)  Curve balls, I am told, are one of the ways the pitcher can throw the ball.  Well, days like today feel as though its a good description.  You never know what the day will bring and if your body will be nice to you or give you ridiculous amounts of pain.  
       I do not mind telling you that today my body opted for the second one.  Though I can not complain.  The days where I need medicine are starting to be fewer and further apart thanks to my life adjustments.  I really feel sorry for those people with this condition who can not go a day without having to take something for it.  
      For them the baseball game is one where they can never get to a base.  Always seemingly stuck at the Home plate and never being able to make contact with the ball.  In many ways people like me, who can adjust it with lifestyle changes have an advantage.  We already start out with the innings in our favor. 
      That being said the pitcher can throw at us whatever they feel like so even though each day is a surprise we have the foreknowledge that with another adjustment or medicine it will go away.  
       Today I deal with the pain as I always do.  I eat things that are high in alkaline (the opposite of acid), such as cucumbers, drink a ton of water, around 92 ounces, and if the pain continues I take some medicine.  I try to remember that this is not the worst my pain has been and even though it will not be the last time I am in pain, it will get better.  
      I try my hardest not to let my emotions/negative feelings take over as its a slippery slope for me.  I listen to music that is upbeat, I try to move around the house/clean as I would normally, except maybe a little slower and I watch TV shows/movies that take me away from the reality and help me focus on something else.  
     I have said it many times before and I will say it again..We can do this.  There is always a choice on how we deal with the situation and I choose to not let it get me down.  
     In every sport, not just baseball, there are winners and losers.  It is up to the losers on how they handle each loss.  Have a few moments to wallow and curse the universe...but then deep breathes and take on the day.  We can not change our condition and it will never leave us, but we can not let it hold us back from life.  Sure today I will not be able to chase the kids and dogs around or move as fast as I usually do, but there are other people out there who have less good days than me.  
     I am not a quitter.  I am a fighter.  Join me in the fight.  You can do it. 

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