Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Frustration with IC!

My favorite cooking TV show. 
             I am a huge lover of food.  Due to this I have a healthy/close to unhealthy obsession with TV shows that revolve around cooking and competition.  Hell's Kitchen was the first one to catch my eye.  
            I mean come on, a guy who freaks out when they do something simple wrong while he is trying to make them better chefs.  Not to mention the prizes at the end of each season.  Yes, I know how the shows really work once they end but I like the naive idea that happily ever after occurs for each person.  
            I could list a thousand of the shows I watch now that have similar concepts, yet my newest favorite show in this category is called Worse Cooks in America.  Basically two chefs that are world known select 14 people from the worst cooks around to compete for $25,000.  The chefs divide the group into two teams, red and blue, for a sort of cook off at the end showing their new skills.  I love it.  It not only shows me recipes I can try for my family but basic cooking skills that I have yet to learn.  
            Now you may be wondering where is the frustration you promised....right here.  The problem with loving cooking and cooking shows now that I have this condition is I know without question I could never be a part of a show like these.  The likelihood of actually going on this type of show is already slim, I know that, yet the overwhelming idea that I could not apply to be ever sank in yesterday as I watched a rather funny episode.  
            There was chaos in the kitchen on the show.  
            People dropping things, setting fire to things, burning things...the list goes on.  Then came my realization as the chef focused in on one particular person and yelled really loudly. 
            "Taste!  Taste!  Taste!"  
            With those three words my heart just sank.  One of the first things I learned watching Hell's Kitchen is that you can not make great food unless you taste it.  You have to taste everything.  If you do not taste you can not tell how much seasoning to add and your food can end up too salty, too sweet, too spicy..well, you get the idea.  
             Since I got diagnosed with my condition I have not tasted any food I have made for my husband or kids.  I have been eye balling it as they would say.  My husband is great as giving good advice and as yet has not stated my seasoning is bad.  Of course 13 years of marriage also gives me great insight as to what he likes and what he does not.  
             That being said on the TV shows if you do not taste your food, you do not stand any chance of making it very far.  So my heart sank and my frustration arose.  
              Honestly as the realization hit me it was almost like I was back to day one of my journey: 
               Why me?
               I can't handle this...Can I?
               Can't someone else deal with this?
               How can I cook anything now?
               Can I eat anything good now?
               Am I doomed to eat nothing but plain crap my entire life?
               I admit I started to wallow.  
               Cooking shows are amazing and even though I am not very good at cooking I love to try.  And I love to bake.  I make English Cheese Scones all the time and my kids, the hubby and I all love them.  I love to make cookies and muffins and cupcakes.  It felt like a part of me got ripped away.  Then I remembered something.  
               April 22nd. 
               April 22nd was when I found out about my condition and made my first blog post.  April 22nd was the day my entire life changed and that was almost 6 months ago.  
              6 months.  
              And though I would love to say I've eaten take out/delivery everyday in that time frame I know its not true...although I know it has been a good few days.  
              I have been cooking food that I like and surviving for 6 whole months.  Clearly my 'bladder' friendly food list is a lot shorter than what I used to eat but I was never one for spicy food anyway.  Thinking about it I realized that before my food tended to be a little bland, and even though I could not just use whatever I did before I had new options that I had never tried before.  

  •    Cumin
  •    Chives
  •    Caraway
  •    Carob
  •    Anise
  •    Allspice
             Admittedly some of these I have heard of before I have just never tried them in a recipe or even know what they are used for.  
             After wallowing and my realizations it came to me that I can handle this.  I need to look at it like Gordan Ramsey (and the other chefs) are giving me a challenge.  You must create a weekly menu for you and your family using the following ingredients.  And since they are all bladder friendly you can taste it and make sure its yummy.  
             Challenge accepted!   


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