Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Finding out!

Finding Out!

   Every doctor visit is a pain.  We put off going as long as we can, even for the smallest of things, and even when we go our pride makes us believe we knew all along what the problem was.  Denial. 

   A brief medical history for me would be two c-sections for my beautiful children (2004 & 2009), gall bladder removal (October 31st 2014) and a hysterectomy (December 4th 2014).  I also have a long, long history of having Urinary Tract Infections or UTI's.  

   I remember having a particularly UTI when I young.  It was an extremely bad one and I could not have been older than 5 or 6.  Though I remember the pain vividly, I can not explain how it felt.  I can only say that I got to the point of not wanting to drink anything or going near the toilet.  Thankfully it was at some point cured though I do not recall details.  Having suffered for so long with them I did not know that it also a symptom for something else.  

   After almost a year of pain, two surgeries (gall bladder and hysterectomy) and one procedure my body was finally was able to communicate with me specific symptoms that the doctor needed to know.  If you are wondering what symptoms here is list: 

  • Having to pee all the time.  (like once every hour/hour and an half)
  • Abdominal pain.
  • UTI symptoms such as pain when peeing. 
   Thanks to having the other health problems resolved and these coming forwards my doctor was able to give the diagnosis last week.   
   Interstitial cystitis (IN-ter-STISH-ul sis-TY-tis) — or IC (sometimes referred to as painful bladder syndrome) — is a chronic, yet treatable, condition of the bladder that affects both women and men.

   The key word that stood out to me as she told me about my new condition was chronic.  She explained that I will have this problem for the rest of my life.  Even though there is a way to treat the symptoms it will never, ever go away.  

   Sitting in my car after the appointment I went through many emotions.  I was relieved beyond words that I finally knew what it was.  I was happy because the pain would, for the most part, go away after changing my diet and some treatments.  I was disappointed as I have a deep love of food, especially sugar of any kind so I know it will be hard to deal with.  I was sad due to the fact that at anytime the pain could return.  

   Suffering from pain over the course of a year made me become a person that I did not recognize.  She was angry all the time about stupid things and depressed because no matter she did, the pain would not stop.  I have found a deep respect for people who deal with chronic pain and do not just curl up into a ball.

   My doctor was a great help in telling me what information to read, to join a support group and which websites to view.  If you have just found out the same thing I would recommend the following websites:

     As I am still new to having the condition I decided to start this blog to help myself and other people as well as by documenting my journey.  I am hoping to post at least once a week with updates and possible recipes.  I hope to have you along for the ride.  

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