Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rough Days!

            Having a rough day is just part of having a condition that is not curable.

    That being said I think its fair to say that when one of these days occur we have a few options on how we deal with it.  

  • One: We get depressed, stay in our PJ's and do not leave the house all day. 
  • Two: We rant, rave, scream and cry until we feel better, at least mentally. 
  • Three: Cry some more. 
  • Four: As the picture states, listen to or watch something that you know will help lift your mood.  Examples would be a Disney movie, your favorite TV show or listening to your favorite band.  Just remember that if you're having a rough day, slow or dumping boyfriend songs are probably something to avoid.  
   Personally today is a rough day for me and I have pretty much done one and two so far, number four I will after I post this.  But I want to make something clear about your rough days, and I'm telling myself as much as anyone else, it will end.

   I do not want to be one of those people who wallow in self pity because of something that really I can not control.  Sure, changing my diet has been great and it has worked, but like the doctor says it will never go away so we should at least on some level know we will have bad/rough days.  

  With this in mind I want to make two statements.

  Rough days, however long they last will end and I am here for everyone.  For support or if anyone needs to rant, rave, scream or cry.   I will listen.  

  No one who cares about you will judge you if you decide to give in and have a day in bed.  Of course personally being a mom of two, plus two dogs and a husband I do not have the luxury of crashing for the day.  But I am saying that if you can, why not?

  Since my family is known to suffer from depression I refuse to give it an ounce in my life.  I do not care if I have to watch every single Disney movie I have, I will not give myself over to the sadness or pity party.

  That being said this is my plan for today: 
  • Yes, I am in PJ's but more for comfort reasons.
  • Use my blog as a way to make my feelings known.  This is my way of ranting.
  • Keep myself busy around the house, even when I am uncomfortable I need to do something to occupy my mind. 
  • Drink lots of water.  When I woke up uncomfortable this morning I went through everything I ate yesterday and how much water I drank.  Not a lot.  So today I am making up for it by drinking as much as I can.  (This also limits how many late night cravings I have)
  • Make healthy snacks to get my body back on track.  Yesterday I had Philadelphia Cream Cheese, that was the only thing different, which may have triggered my symptoms today.  
   Hopefully, this will turn my symptoms around for my fourth bladder wash tomorrow morning.  Fingers crossed.  

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