Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cruise Recovery!!

Example of a breakfast

     Well, it's official.  It's been over a week since I got back from the cruise.  This post I would like to talk about my food challenges and achievements while on the cruise. 

     In my previous post I talked about how nervous I was going on a ship that is all you can eat, 24/7 with a mass amount of sugar and yummy things that I knew I was not going to be able to eat.  Here are a few examples of the food I was able to eat while on the Carnival Cruise ship Victory. 

Example of breakfast
Example of lunch

      Honestly the first few days on the ship were following the foods I knew I could eat without a problem.  (Hence the Pear you see in every photograph)  But I felt I wanted to also test the water a little and see what things I could indulge in without much consequence.   The ham and cheese sandwich you see above caused the biggest problem.  In the end my go to lunch ended up being the one below with the chicken nuggets and fries.  

Example of a lunch

   Once I had determined which foods I could eat, with no issues, I felt I was able to reach out a little more and try new options.  During my time on the ship I worked out the following: 
  • Even though I could eat Bananas before they are no longer my friend, whether in something or by themselves. 
  • Bland food is my friend but I can add some salt and seasoning I just have to be careful. 
  • Trying new food is not off limits because of fear.  If you try something and it doesn't work that's fine...next time you know better.  
  • If you do start to have symptoms drink as much water as possible to flush out your system. 
  • Going on a vacation is great but you still need to remember to drink enough water. 
  One of the main problems on my trip was my lack of water intake.  On a couple of days I found myself starting to ache, even though I had been watching my food very closely and staying within the limits.  I worked out it was due to the amount of water I was drinking...or lack thereof.  

   Another thing that I noticed is that when eating out I have to ask questions about how the food is prepared and must face my fear of asking for something to be substituted.  I admit that I'm terrible at speaking up, especially when its something along the being difficult line.  But as my best friend put it, its my health.   

  Would I rather eat whatever and be in pain or speak up and not deal with it?
   Honestly for me it depends on the day, but I understood what she was trying to say.  I can not rely on other people to speak up for me in this situation.  I need to find my voice and let people know that I have limits and how we can get around it.  If I say nothing then eating out, whether at someones house or at a restaurant, will always be something I dread.  Now that being said I don't want to be the kind of person who goes on about my condition all the time and there for people decide they don't want to invite me over anymore.  
   And again something in my life comes down to balance.  I suck at balance.  That being said I won't give up.  As a very smart man, Jared Padalecki, said Always Keep Fighting.  



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