Saturday, May 9, 2015

Decisions Decisions!

      Tonight is the night before I leave town for a week on a cruise to the Caribbean with my best friend.  Nothing says mothers day/girl trip like alone time away from the kids and the husband.  Do not misunderstand we both adore our families but as every parent knows breaks are not only nice, they are essential to keep our sanity.  

    That being said I must confess that since being diagnosed I have been a little nervous about this trip.  Cruise ships are known for their vast amounts of buffets, most of which I am certain have large quantities of chocolate...Oh dear.  I am not just nervous about the food but also my symptoms.  

    What if during our great time I have a flare up?  

    My husband said it best when last night he said if it happens, it happens.  You can not very well just leave the boat and come home simply because a flare up occurs.  So I am trying to alter my mentality to include worse case scenarios and am packing extra Advil or whatever helps my symptoms to make the process easier if something does come up.  

    This also got me thinking about other eating habits that we as a country have that change drastically when we are given this type of condition.  Here are a few examples I have experienced so far: 

  • Take Out/Delivery/Restaurant Eating - Items that I used to eat a lot of or love the sound of are now completely off limits.  This makes the idea of going out to eat not only unappealing but also saves us a lot of money throughout the month. 
  • Dinner at a friends house - I am lucky to have a best friend who does not mind changing up her recipe to accommodate my new requirements, but when it comes time for special gatherings later this year, such as Thanksgiving, I can tell I will be preparing my own food while the family eats the regular stuff.  
   So pretty much anytime you are not the one making the food a red caution flag will pop up and you will be hesitated to partake.  I am still in the process of adjusting to food that will help ease my symptoms but hopefully as time goes on I will be able to eat at least a little of the foods that I love.  

   Here is an example so far of what I can eat: 
  • Peanut butter toast
  • Pears
  • Tuna from a pouch
  • Canned vegetables - Sweet Peas, Green Beans and Carrots.
  • Chicken - cooked on the stove with a small pinch of salt added.  (Can't use garlic salt and I love it on everything)
  • Turkey - I have cooked ground turkey again with a small pinch of salt. 
  • Fresh vegetables - so far I have tried Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini, Celery, Cucumbers and baby Carrots.  All have worked so far. 
  • Rice pudding - only in small amounts and with pumpkin spice as well as less sugar than I would normally use. 
    The list is not as wide variety as it used to be but like I said, I am still in the calming my bladder down phase.  Honestly the food I eat right now is pretty bland and boring but hey I am losing weight and my pain is almost gone completely.  :)   I will take it.  

    I will update when I return from my trip but until then Happy Mother's Day to you and keep safe.  

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