Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 5 Update!!

Miami, Florida

      Wow, honestly I can not believe its been five weeks since this all started.  What a crazy few weeks its been.  Let's review what I have learned so far in my journey. 

  1. Water is my favorite thing in the world.  It has come to be the only thing that keeps my pain in check.  (As I've said before as soon as you start aching grab that water bottle and chug)
  2. Dessert is not the enemy.  Find small indulges that you can have without suffering.  (I am able to handle rice pudding, home made, and cheesecake, in moderation)
  3. Trying new food is not something you should dread.  Just remember that a few bites of something should be enough to tell you how your body is going to react.  Eating an entire cheesecake, maybe not the best option. 
  4. We are not broken.  Sure, we have something that we will have to deal with for the rest of our lives, but we can still have a great value of life.  Do not let the pain win.  #AlwaysKeepFighting. 
  5. Find your voice to the point of helping your condition.  Do not use this new found voice to drive loved ones to insanity.  They will help you, you don't have to bring it up every time you want something at their house. 
  6. Exercise.  This does not just mean running or going to the gym.  A small walk around the neighborhood or just doing chores around the house will help.  The more you move, the better you will feel. 
   *Remember these are not necessarily in the order that you should use them.  

   Overall I have come to the point where, hopefully, I will not have to have medicine for my condition.  If I can continue to control it with food then its a win.  I know that some people are not as lucky and for those of you who are in that place I am so sorry for you.  But like I said, we are not broken.  

   Actually let me rephrase that.  We are not broken, we are just bent.  Sure, we're not like everyone else but we're still a team.  Suffering from the pain for as long as I did and the depression and anger that followed, I understand why people would want to give up or who have been so run down by it that you can't see the rainbow through the storm.  

   Well, the rainbow is there.  I promise.  

   In dark situations like that I feel that my faith comes into play a lot.  And I'm not one to keep track or anything, but I sure know that during my worst times I gave my heartache over in prayer and for me it helped a great deal.  

   On a happier note, during my grocery store trip today I noticed something.  I noticed that I did not look twice at the Diet Dr Pepper or chocolate bars around the cashier.  On the cruise I noticed that I only craved those things when I was feeling sad about missing my family or when I started to get ship crazy.    
   I was not going to say this, in case I jinx it, but so far I'm down 10 lbs.  I only went up about 2 lbs during the cruise due to the amount of cheesecake :)  

  Anyway, I think I have finally found my rainbow in the storm and even though I still have the odd pain I don't worry about it.  I just deal with it straight away and then forget about it again.  I really do feel like I'm becoming me again and I like it.  


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